How can I block Wilson Electronics Sleek 4G-V cell phone signal booster?

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Hi everyone! My neighbours bought this cell phone signal booster and use it to talk on their cell phone loudly closer to my house. I hate that! How can I block that booster but not their cell phones completely?

Hi Eugene!

Wilson Electronics made Sleek 4G-V cell phone signal booster primarily to improve the signal of cell phones in cars, boats and other vehicles. It also improves 3G and 4G signals, and Verizon Wireless LTE, and all that by means of 4G frequency band. This device helps to avoid signal dead zones, droped connections, and in addition it improves battery life of your smartphone.

Still it works not with all frequencies. The bands which might be enhanced by Wilson Electronics Sleek 4G-V cell phone signal booster are 800MHz and 1900MHz cell phone signals, and also 700MHz Verizon Wireless LTE. The price of standard vehicle model is $129, though the price of modified version for indoor usage may vary.

In order to block this cell phone signal booster but not make all cell phones in your house and in the house of your neighbours become useless, you need to use Wilson Electronics Sleek 4G-V jammer that will stop the work of this booster but leave the signals of cell phones untouched.

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