How to protect my personal data from XKeyscore project?

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Hello, The Guardian has recently written about the Xkeyscore project, another NSA's spying tool that is used to monitor Internet activity of any users. I'd like to know, is it possible to hide that data from Xkeyscore, or at least how to make it that way, that my browser won't point to me? Many thanks in advance.

Hello, Bill!

We at Jammer-Store have checked the info on that Xkeyscore project and will try to help you. First of all we must admit that Edward Snowden, who had initially published the data on that project has not published any details on how it actually works. That is why it is hard to find a way to avoid it for 100%, some of your data may still be compromised.

Now, let's check on what that NSA's spying tool is able to do. It is able to provide all your emails and web activity, such as browsing history, search history, not only from Google, but from other search engines too. Also it gathers information from social networks, and you should better avoid those, because social networks are the reason of major share of data leaks. NSA's analytic needs no warrant to get this data, everything he needs is your personal email. So, it would be wise to get an anonymous email and Google account, that will have no connections with your actual identity and will not contain any personal data.

Another thing we can recommend is to avoid using mobile Internet, because modern smartphones are rather vulnerable to various hacks and exploits and all mobile traffic will point directly to you, through your phone data, such as phone number, IMEI and others. In that case it would be even better to use a universal 2G, 3G, 4G signal jamming device, to make sure that your mobile Internet connection is offline. We hope that those brief recommendations will help you, anyway, the question is really wide, so we will probably write a post at our security blog on that topic ASAP.

Thanks for your question, I hope, I've managed to help!

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