What can I use to jam the CalAmp LMU-2600 GPRS/CDMA/HSPA Series?

Home >  What can I use to jam the CalAmp LMU-2600 GPRS/CDMA/HSPA Series?
Hi everybody! I need to find a jammer for this paticular device. CalAmp LMU-2600 GPRS/CDMA/HSPA Series. This was just hidden on my truck, without notice. Any help would be great. Want to order something ASAP!

Hi Patrick!

CalAmp LMU-2600 GPRS/CDMA/HSPA Series is a fleet tracking unit with many advanced technologies hidden inside. You are lucky to find that thing in your truck because it won't let go your vehicle easily. This complex tracking system uses GSM, GPRS, CDMA, HSPA and GPS frequency bands to constantly keep your truck in its field of vision.

In addition to the tracking ability this CalAmp tracking device has an accelerometer to determine the behavior of the driver like aggressive acceleration or breaking, hard steering and truck impacts. It can be mounted almost anywhere due to the external and internal antenna location variations. It also has a system called PEG (which is Programmable Event Generator) that instantly reacts to the environment of the vehicle and other predefined and programmed factors like date and time, motion and location of the vehicle, its geo-zone, input and other important events or conditions.

So if you want to successfully get rid of that annoying tracking device in your truck, you need to use complex tracking jammer against CalAmp LMU-2600 GPRS/CDMA/HSPA Series and block all its signals which can reveal your locations to those who placed this tracking device into your truck.

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