Would I be able to jam the new GPS Block III satellites?

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Hi people! Have you heard about the new Block III GPS satellites? I know that they would be improved and launched in a few years so can I jam their signal?

Hello Mika!

Yes, we are aware of the $5.5 billion upgrade that has started its implementation at the Lockheed Martin testing complex in Colorado. It would make GPS system more powerful, reliable and its location tracking accuracy would increase from 10 feet to 3 feet. This concerns both military and civilian satellites. By the way, Block III would allow GPS receivers to use not only US satellites but European, Russian and maybe other ones in addition.

The first prototype of the new satellite has already arrived testing facility on Monday and scientists with engineers have started their work. There would be 32 GPS Block III satellites in total but this prototype would not be launched into space. The first flying model would arrive this complex next year but it would be launched into space in May 2014.

Despite the fact that GPS Block III satellites would have more powerful signal that is harder to jam and easier to tune in for any receiver, you would be able to jam Block III GPS satellite signal. Although this new system would start its work in 2014, you can prepare to meet it in advance.

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